So, I decided if we are all going to have to read this crap, we at least need to look at something cute! Eric helped me figure out how to make this so cute.
I am hoping that no news it good news. I haven’t heard from the ongolist yet but am really hoping to sometime tomorrow.
I did talk to my breast specialist today, and I have a PIM mammogram schedule for Thursday at 10:45. The only draw back is I won’t be able to be around Ian throughout the rest of day. I am not sure what all that entails, but luckly there is a girls night out already scheduled for that night – hey, I will just take advantage of a little girl time. Now what all the PIM is going to tell us, hell, I don’t know. It will look at the lump, see if there are any more and then, I am not sure from there.
As soon as I have other appointments, I will let everyone know.


  1. THANK YOU! 🙂 I was just googling ways to help you make this thing “you.” I’m glad Eric could help!

    You’ve been added to our bedtime prayers with Lauren. The sweet little thing now says, “And God Bless Renee… Who’s Renee? (mommy’s friend) What does she have on? (probably some really cute pajamas) Why is she sick? (I don’t know, but God will help her get better if we ask him to)”

    So yes, you’ve become her latest excuse to postpone bedtime by asking 20 million questions! 🙂

  2. I love the new layout. It’s very you! Lots of love!

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