Wow is really all I say about the wonderful emails and phone calls I have received from everyone. This is really an eye opening experience, I mean, I KNOW I am awesome but to now know everyone else knows it as well means the world to me! Really though, I can not thank everyone enough for the support, kind words of encouragement, prayers, offers to help out, etc.
I have received many, many phones calls which I have not returned. Please know, I am truly grateful for every call but my cell phone minutes are already running low. 😛
I am in the process of bumping up minutes so I can talk until I can’t talk anymore – damn Sprint wants to charge $.45 per minute over – OH, I don’t think so!
In the mean time, call me at work – those minutes are free or email me.
Love to everyone.


  1. Renee-

    I am hoping you remember me…I am Megan’s sister. She sent me your blog and I wanted to let you know that we are praying for you and know that you will kick it’s a*s. My prayers are also for your doctor’s…that they have all the knowledge and skill needed to help you.


    Lori (Davis) Bettencourt

  2. I’m sending you love and comments from Manila! LOL! Here it is!!

    I have you linked to my RSS feed and my blog as well now too 🙂

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