I just heard from my breast specialist about the PEM scan yesterday – ONE LUMP ONLY and 1.7 cm, which means Stage 1!!!!! Hey, if this really has to be, then this is great news for me.

Also, I added a link to the right for the race for the cure. Jenn so kindly set up a team in my name as soon as she heard the news last week. Really, has it only been 9 days since I found out? Seems like a life time ago.

Today is going much better than yesterday. Eric and I are still trying to decide what to do about the “harvesting issue” but we are both leaning more towards putting it in God’s hand and letting him decide if we are going to have another kido sometime down the road. I will let everyone know what our final decision is – it will be before 5:00 tonight.


  1. So happy to hear this news! I’m very glad for you!

  2. I am so glad to hear that!


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