“Your thoughts create your world and your words indicate your thoughts. When you eliminate complaining from your life you will enjoy happier relationships, better health and greater prosperity.”

How you ever noticed how easy it is to join in with others who are complaining or gossiping and then when you walk away, you feel a little dirty about even taking part in that? I have – especially the gossip part. I don’t like talking about others but it is so hard to be the bigger person sometimes. And I am looking at this time with myself to find in myself the courage and strength to not take part in these acts. I know who I am and I know I am someone who looks on the bright side of the situation and stays positive – now; I have to stay true to myself and show the world this also.

Here is how it works. You wear a purple bracelet on your wrist and if you complain, gossip, judge or criticize others, you must switch the bracelet to the other hand. Your goal, kept the bracelet on the same hand for 21 days straight. Even if you are on day 20 and you complain, gossip, judge or criticize you must switch the bracelet and start over again.

I figure if I can get through this time in my life without complaining, I can get through ANYTIME in my life without complaining and knowing how truly blessed I am and that I honestly have noting to complain about will do wonders for me spiritually and personally. I want to show Ian this path in life also, so I must walk the walk and talk the talk – or not talk!

If you would like to join me on this venture, please do so. Here is a website to describe it a little better. http://www.acomplaintfreeworld.org/howitworks.html

Also, if you would like me to pick you up a bracelet from my church, please let me know and I will get you one.


  1. Pick me one up! Lets give this a try for our boys!!

  2. GOOD LUCK! I lasted about 12 hours max when I tried.

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