So, today has hands down been the worst day yet. My tummy is giving me problems and my hair is really starting to fall out. And when crying in the shower, my cath in my chest started hurting – why, I have no idea.

In order to keep semi control of this situation, I am going to do it – shave my head this coming Sunday. If you want to come, please come help me celebrate the freedom from clumps of hair falling out. We will do it at my house, from 4 – 5:30 or 6 (depending on how much energy I have). Please bring a snack/appetizer to share with all.


  1. I’m so sorry Renee, that sucks. We can only hope that Bill is feeling even shittier.

  2. I’m sorry you have had a bad day. We continue to pray for you everyday.—-Anna

  3. I am sorry you are having a crummy day and hope you start to feel better soon.

    My Mom and I would be there on Sunday, but we are having my little one’s birthday party from 3-6.
    We will be thinking of you though.

  4. I’m sorry this is such a bad day. I hope your stomach feels better soon! I’m anxious to see you Sunday and catch up (in person!) 🙂

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