Wow, I really can’t believe I will be 75% done with my first round of treatments and 37.5% done with all my treatments after today. I saw Lisa, the PA, this morning and she said Bill has shrunk even more and she is so happy to see how well I am continuing to do with this accelerated schedule. My weight is holding steady, so yeah for that. I must say, I have been eating a ton this past week and a lot of it was left over food from the head shaving party. Kim Goode brought this delicious green chili chicken casserole that I ate a ton of and Jessica (Hyde) Moody brought spaghetti sauce like her mom used to make us – oh my goodness, it really took me back to when we were in high school and would sit in her kitchen and eat and eat and eat. Surprisingly enough, looking back at pictures from us in high school, we were all so little and we always thought we were so fat. How time can really allow you to see the truth in the situation.

The office was crazy busy this morning but there aren’t many people here in the chemo room. I have a girl next to me, maybe a little older than me but defiantly younger than most here. She is here by herself and that makes me sad for her. I have a man across from me who is a first timer because he is getting the talk – call if you feel anything is going on, you have to make yourself eat, take your medicine even if you don’t feel sick, etc. Oh, the talk. I learned the hard way, LISTEN to what they say.

I am pretty tired this morning though after the walk yesterday, which was fabulous. I will write about that here in a bit. I slept okay last night but was up more than like would have like to have been for various reasons. I do wonder what it would be like to sleep through the night. I haven’t slept through a whole night since before I was pregnant. Oh well, that my life for now!


  1. Ha ha Bill…. your days are numbered! And Renee, congratulations on being 75% through with the toughest stuff! woo hoo!!!!!
    So, that casserole sounds so yummy…. I would love for Kim G. to post the recipe on your blog as I’m having some serious cravings for my beloved Tex-Mex and need to try making something new.

    Keep up the great work Renee… just know that you are an inspiration to so many and that we are all sending you happy thoughts and prayers your way. And tell Eric that we think he’s doing a great job too!

  2. Glad to hear the good news! You’re doing great!

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