I heard the other day that we should try to find inspiration in our day to day lives everywhere we look. Now, who was talking about this was talking about finding inspiration with colors and patterns to make cute cards and little do-dads – just the stuff I love making. And I was able to take a lot away from this in more ways than one.

We watched “Dan in Real Life” the other night and I found a great deal of inspiration in a quote from the movie. “The only thing you can plan on in life is to plan to be surprised.” Now, it took a while for this to really set in with me and then last night I realized how much my timeline in life is now a surprise to me and out of my hands.

While rocking Ian to sleep last night, after a few sips of his watered-down milk out of his sippy (hey, he is off the bottle and it is more me and Eric holding on to him having the sippy to keep him a baby a little longer) he didn’t want to be rocked to sleep. It made me realize how sad it made me for my timeline. If my body was mine right now, I (we) would be trying to get pregnant again for many reasons. I want another baby so badly and the stage Ian is in right now is so great. He is a little independent, can do simple things that we ask him to and he will be a wonderful older brother.

Anyway, it made me realize, no matter what we plan, how well that plan is laid, it doesn’t matter. It isn’t up to us. I truly believe we all have a plan laid out for us the day we are born and sometimes it takes a little kick in the pants to get us to realize that plan. Now, I am not entirely sure what the plan is for me and my family but I do know that whatever happens, I will now always plan to be surprised.

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