I think it is going to happen soon – Ian has started saying a few words. Yesterday, my friend Shanna called to tell me that when picking up her daughter Livi from school, the teacher told her that Ian pointed and to and said Livi. Then last night while reading the same picture book for the 15th time, he pointed to the duck and said duck, duck, duck. I know it won’t be anytime before he is in full swing talk mood – oh my, am I ready for this?!?! I am so excited to hear what comes out of his mouth and that he has a new way to express himself. He gets his point across now with signs and general pointing, but I am making it a point to tell him to use his words when he wants something.
It makes me sad though that my little baby is growing up. He has developed his own unique personality that I constantly laugh at. He is so silly and sweet, I couldn’t ask for more of an angel.

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