This is the time of year everyone looks at their lives and really can see what they are thankful for. I have so much to be thankful this year. From the outside looking in, someone might ask how a woman who was diagnosed with breast cancer at such a young age can say she has so much to be thankful for. In my mind, I think, how can I not be thankful?

Honestly, I would much rather have been diagnosed at 30 verses any older for many reasons. The biggest is, this has shown me how precious life is and how I have to take hold of every day, heck every moment and live…just live. Enjoy every person in my life, every blessing, everything about it. I now know how I am going to help others in a situation like mine and I have my whole life ahead of me to do so. I don’t know if my age has anything to do with it, but something has made chemo not near as awful as I have heard it would be. And for that alone, I am eternally grateful.

One other event I have to be so thankful for this is my results of my ultrasound. Bill is dieing and I couldn’t be happier. When I first had my ultrasound in September, the tumor was 1.6X1.5X1.7 and on Wednesday, it was 1.0X.07X.011. The tech, who preformed my first ultrasound told me she remembered the first one this one is not as “black and scary” as it was. So, I just have to remember all this chemo and feeling blah is so worth that.

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. I hope everyone reading this has as many blessings in your life to be as thankful for as I have in mine.

1 Comment

  1. WOW! That’s some awesome progress there, lady! 🙂

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