Yeap, they are back – the bone pains. But, it is okay – I took my pain medicine and am lying on the couch watching talk shows. And with all this watching of talk shows, I have registered to win all the cool stuff the audience members win – how awesome would that be if from me having to be home on the couch, I won something?!!? I think it would be great!!

I went to lunch with Eric hoping getting out would do me some good, but it didn’t work out as planned. I was hoping I would get out and be like, hey, I feel great, let me run to Sam’s to pick up our Christmas cards I need to send out in hopes of them arriving before the new year 😛 and get Ian some diapers. I really feel like we buy diapers all the time. I can only imagine how the Mills feel – 3 kids in diapers – YIKES!!! Back to the Christmas cards, I had the best intentions of making our Christmas cards this year, but that just didn’t happen – oh, I always have great intentions and then run out of time.

I am not even real sure what the point of this post was – more random thoughts that I didn’t want to get lost!

1 Comment

  1. boo bone blues! I read somewhere that people send out Happy New Year cards sometimes when they don’t get to the Christmas cards in time so that’s what you can do! I hope you get feeling better and I’m still waiting to hear from Ellen! lol…

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