It is easy to get lost in the hustle and bustle of the holidays – you have to get this, wrap that, go to this party, mail this stuff, make cookies for school, etc, etc, etc. The list never seems to end and in my mind, even when I am not going through chemo, I get completely overwhelmed and bogged down and sometimes just shut down. That is what I do when I get overwhelmed and have too much to do and can’t see the light at the end, I shut down and don’t do anything. Now, I am fully aware this is the most unproductive way to deal with the “I have too much to do” feeling, but that is what I do. That I my New Year’s resolution – when I feel overwhelmed, step back, breath and DO something about it instead of step back and walk away.
With that in mind, the thought of the process to start the non-profit has been completely overwhelming me. I have NO idea how to go about this. Yes, I purchased a book, yes, I have talked to a ton a people who have offered to help me, yes, I have done some research, yes, I have started a business plan but I can’t get all these pieces to come together. An amazing woman from church has offered to help me in allowing me to take her business coaching classes, which I am so grateful for and extremely excited about. But I am scared, what if all these people offer me the help and the tools to do this and I still can’t pull it all together? What then? I feel like I need/want to talk about this idea/vision to everyone I meet because then if I put it all out there, I can’t NOT succeed and make it happen because I won’t only be letting myself down but everyone else I have told about my dream.


  1. Sophie is trying to get her own non-profit started as well. Talk to her, esp since she already runs the Austin Chapter of Prom Shop.

    Oh, yea…. I want to help if ya want me! 🙂

  2. You are tougher on yourself than you should be. Look at all that you’ve already achieved in life! Not to mention that most people, when faced with CANCER, shut down. You stood up to it, looked it directly in the eye, and said I’m going to kick your ARSE! And you are doing it! If you can beat down Bill, you can most certainly do something that you a) enjoy b) are excited about c) want to do. Don’t let the little voice of doubt creep in and cause you to question yourself. It sounds like you are on the right track to getting your not-for-profit going and I believe in you!

    Have a very Merry Christmas and tell your family I said hi too! Christmas always reminds me of jugs of wine and cheating at Cranium… lol…

    love you and miss you,

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