And with the end of this one, I am walking on sunshine because I ONLY HAVE ONE LEFT!!! Being as my blood work looked so good, I don’t have to get a shot a tomorrow, so I am praying I will feel better all around Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. I am still expecting the flu like symptoms, but those won’t be near as bad without the bone pain.

The chemo room was hoping today. Derek said it was because people try to get another treatment in before the end of the year and new set of insurance deductibles…oh, don’t even get me started on the deductibles – well more so, my co-pays that I will have to pay for radiation. Now, don’t get me wrong, I am so fortunate to have the great insurance I do have, but man alive, the special doctor visits co-pays really add up.

Back to chemo – this treatment wasn’t too bad. I did the ice therapy again on my hands and feet. Again, my feet numbed up quick and didn’t really bother me, my hands were a lot more difficult to keep in the ice for long periods of time, but I did it. All I kept thinking about was the gifts I want to make Jenn for her baby shower, the cute Valentine gift ideas I have in mind and all the stuff I so enjoy doing. In my mind, a few hours of pain in ice were so worth it to have all the feeling in my hands for my lifetime.

Eric went and got us subway again for lunch and that helped so much to have a lunch there verses waiting to come home when I would be hungry. I even managed to enjoy an apple and a salad for dinner – I am so excited those sounded good and tasted good. I really want to start eating better again.

I noticed a lot of younger woman such as myself today. A few I had seen before, but there were many I hadn’t ever seen. I do wonder why they are there.

Oh, one lady got to “ring the bell” today – I will get to ring it next week. On your last bwas going to ring the hell out of that bell – hell yes I am!! I am also going to take a cake up there to thank the nurses for such wonderful treatment and to share with the others to show them to hang in there – their time to ring the bell will be around the corner. Yes, I will take a party to the chemo room!!


  1. Ah Renee! Thanks for the wonderful shout out, you are the BEST! Hopefully, we’ll get to see ya’ll tomorrow!

    So happy to hear that this one went so well! Ring that bell honey!

  2. That is awesome about no shot tomorrow! And only one treatment left!!!! See ya later, Bill. You are so tough, mentally and physically. I’m so impressed by you and proud of you. We are thinking about you and constantly praying for you. I hope you have a happy New Year! love you,

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