I really can’t believe my last treatment is just 4 days away. I am so excited I can’t see straight. I am really over this whole cancer bit and it running my life. I now have to get through my mind that just because I had my last treatment, I am not going to miraculously feel better the following week and be back to normal. My oncologist told me that it usually takes up to a year to feel “normal” again, but in my mind, I am not sure what normal is so it might only take me 6 months. J

I have an appointment with the surgeon on January 15th. I am not sure if I will schedule my surgery or just talk about it, but I will keep everyone posted on that. I am 99% sure I am going to get a lumpectomy due to the fact the tumor has responded so well to chemo. I will also have to get some lumpnodes removed and from what I have read, this might be the most difficult part because I won’t be able to raise my arm above shoulder height. Now for how long this will last, I am not sure.

So that is my next step. I will finish this step and then start thinking about radiation – they say this is so much easy than chemo, so yeah!

This last week has been okay. I have had an odd issue – itchy hands. This is the 3rd time this has happened so I know it is to due to taxol. Of course, when I am in the midst of the itch, I think it is the worst side-effect possible, but I think that when I am in the midst of any side effect. Here is how the itch breaks down – it slowly starts Thursday or Friday after chemo – just a little itch here and there on my hands, fingers and wrists, Saturday it starts to get worse and I have to itch my hands on my jeans, Sunday, I feel like I am itching my hands all day on anything I can get my hands on and by Monday, I pretty much want to cut my hands off because the itch really starts to make me a little CrAzY. And of course there is a medicine for this itch – as there is a medicine for everything, but this said medicine makes me drunk – literally, I am drunk about 30 minutes after I take this stuff. So, I try not to take it expect at night, where I proceed to lay on the couch with Eric and he laughs at me because I guess I say some pretty funny stuff?
And when the itch is in full force, getting my hands wet or putting lotion on them makes it so much worse – odd.
Back to me and the medicine. As most of you know, I have had to take ambein to sleep at night. Well, some nights I just go to sleep peacefully and no one would know I had taken them but some nights, I talk complete non-sense to Eric and then in the morning I only vaguely remember the conversation or even going to sleep. This morning I asked him if I was talking about chi lattes from Starbuck’s last night and yeap, right before I feel asleep, that is what I was talking about.
All in all, I am doing really well. The thought of the cruise in February is really keeping me going. I simply can’t wait to get away from this stuff for a week, and then I will come back and be ready to throw the final punch and KO Bill.


  1. Good luck tomorrow!!! Ring the bell loudly!

  2. so glad you’ll be done with chemo! we’ll need to celebrate!

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