To a perfect weekend. Well, if I didn’t have allergies it might be more perfect but I really don’t care – I don’t have chemo this morning!!!! It really feels real now – me not having to pack my bag every other Monday to go get chemo and come home to wait for it all to set in.
So to celebrate the end of all this mess, our neighbor, Erin offered to watch Ian for us on Friday night so we could go out on a date. I, okay we, were both a little nervous about how it would go having someone else put him down to sleep. But she said it was flawless. YEAH, this was great for us to hear this. We went to North in the Domain for dinner – it was yummy. And I had a martini – I haven’t had a martini in I don’t know how long. Now, don’t get me wrong, I had A martini, not the nights out like I used to have with Laurie or at poker nights – oh, just thinking about those nights make me smile and laugh! Those will be stories for another time.
We stayed at dinner for 2 ½ hours. 2 ½ hours…that is unheard of. It was so relaxing and enjoyable for Eric and I to sit, have an adult beverage and TALK!
Saturday was just as great. We went to My Gym with Ian where he ran around like a made man and loved to ball pit – I will post pictures. Phil and Jill came over Saturday night and I made eggplant lovers out of everyone – well, not the little ones. They had no interest in the eggplant I cooked. And again, I drank – 3 glasses of wine. I think I am making up for not feeling good for so long that I just drink! Anyway, we had a great time and decided that next time Eric and Phil drink together, they need to wrestle.
Sunday was church and the park and/or outside for 2 ½ hours. Both Ian and I were exhausted last night – he wanted to take a bath at 6:30 and I feel asleep at 7:30.
Now it is on to a new week – I have to get a chest x-ray and ekg on Wednesday before surgery. I am not really sure why I need these but whatever…I will go get them. I will have Eric either post something on Friday or email everyone with a post surgery update. Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers on Friday – I will be one step closer to having this taken care of.


  1. I’d love that eggplant recipe! I’ve never bought one b/c I don’t know what to do with it!

    I’m SO SO SO happy that you’re doing so well. 🙂

  2. I’m glad you had such a good weekend! You totally deserved it. 🙂

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