I wish I could bottle up my happiness that I am experiencing today. I am not sure what happened between yesterday and today but something big did…I am honestly putting my money on an answered prayer.

I have been so productive today, it is amazing me. I made 14 cards – most of which are for Marci who ordered some from me – yeah for my first real order – well, she is my best friend and she would literally try to stop the world for me if I needed her to, but regardless, an order is an order!! But it was EASY and fun – something I haven’t felt in too long. I didn’t feel pressured to finish them – they were almost finishing themselves – which doesn’t make much sense to me either but I was in “that” place where magical things happen so easily. Anyway, when I noticed the happiness and ease I was feeling, I told myself to remember the feeling and when I am down to bring it out and remind me that yes, it is all going to be okay and I will get back to me someday soon. I was even dancing at the refrigerator while filling up my water glass – now; I know things are good when that happens. Water usually doesn’t equal excitement but today it did – everything equals excitement today! Today is a great day and I am grateful for every second of it.

1 Comment

  1. Yeah Renee! I’m glad to hear today is so much better! Definitely bottle some up for another day 🙂

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