But so far away. Reality of my situation kind of smacked me in my face this morning.
I really over did it this past weekend and have been paying for it yesterday and today – paying for it as in needing 2 hour naps during the day and laying around the rest of time accomplishing nada. I still get so frustrated with myself when I do this – push too hard to get too much done and then can’t do anything because I have no energy. And, I got some possible bad news today – my dr. said we might have to hold off on radiation for a few days because my skin is really, REALLY burnt and it flippin’ hurts and itches. He gave me a compress to use a few times today followed by cream but the whole process takes around an hour of me needing to be topless and letting everything air dry. I am going to have to continue this regimen 2-3 daily until radiation is done. I will know tomorrow if I have to take a break or can continue and hopefully finish next Wednesday!
So to say the least, I am so tired of all this crap but am counting the days until I am done!..whenever that is going to be.

1 Comment

  1. You are in our thoughts and prayers. We are specifically praying that treatment will hurry up and be done for you, with as little itching and burning as possible. You are so close and you’ve done an AMAZING JOB through all of this! Bill who?!?!?!

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