has been flipped inside of me. A week ago today was my last radiation treatment and also the last of all my treatments. It was a surreal day and has been an increasingly exciting week. If you had asked me last Friday how I felt and if I felt it was all really over, I would have said no – I still didn’t feel different, didn’t feel ready to be “normal” but WOW, what a difference a week has made. Today, I feel ready completely different – I really do feel as if I DONE and am so ready to be normal. I am needing less sleep which is great, I am wanting to get up in the mornings, I want to be social and I am coming up with all kinds of crazy ideas for me and Ian to do when I start staying home with him – oh in 2 weeks. I decided today that I am going to give his daycare his two week notice this coming Monday and will start keeping him home with me in two weeks – oh life is changing and I couldn’t be happier about it!

Me walking through my LAST ever cancer “yeah, I am done confetti shower”

And with this, I am changing the name of my blog – to what, I am not 100% sure yet and will continue with it because I do love the writing aspect of it. I will still be 100% honest with what is going on in our lives, our happiness, our hurts, our smiles, our frowns and just life in general.

I can honestly say I am a changed person from this journey. I now see the strength in myself that others have said they have seen for a long time and you know what, it feels good to see that in myself and knowing now what I have accomplished these past 7 months, I now know I can and will accomplish so much more in my life and help others. So many people helped me during this time and I just want to be able to give back to society to continue passing on the good of human kind.
I am toying around with quite a few ideas to in regards to how I can help others, and give back – once I get them all figured (or more so then what they are now) I will let you all know! But in the mean time, thank every single one of you who read this, who has prayed for me and my family, for the support, understanding, laughter and love.


  1. Yea for you!! Let me do a blog for you to celebrate- on the house!

  2. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for you Renee! As always, we are so proud of the way you have handled these past 7 months and I am so inspired by your positive attitude. Great things are coming! I can feel it!!!

    love you,

  3. Awesome!! Please email me so we can hang out!

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