Is better than the first! This second week has been much better than last week in many ways but man, it is still challenging. Monday started out as total chaos. I had a training appointment at the gym at 9:00, needed to be downtown by 10:30 to clean out my office and then head to lunch at 11:00 ish – so my plan was to train, shower and get ready at the gym while Ian was in the kids club and head downtown. As we all know, the best laid plans – well, I don’t know the end of that saying. Let’s just say, I didn’t get to take a shower at the gym and I ended up changing clothes in the laundry room at home while Ian was sitting in his car seat in the garage – hey, I am learning to adapt to things not going my way!
Tuesday was great. We were invited to an impromptu sports ball class where Ian had a blast. We went to lunch with some girls at Chick-fil-a and to the pool in the afternoon! Then I got a wild hair and decided I was going to go to an aerobic class at the gym. The only one that was offered at 7:00 was turbo jam – the description said something like come get your groove on. So I thought, I’ve got this. Well, I have never felt SO white and uncoordinated in my life. I mean these girls were moving and shaking like I have never seen before. I finished the class but left with a new sense of pride. Pride you ask? Well, for one, I actually stayed and finished and two, my body felt great afterward. I don’t think I will be going back any time soon, but I might!
Wednesday – Friday, I had two appointments that Ian went with me to and that was a whole new experience. He hasn’t be allowed that many fruit gummies ever! We have been going to the pool daily, which he loves and it is nice for me as I have made some new friends there! We are leaving town tonight to head to FL to see Marci – YEAH – I can’t wait!


  1. Be careful driving! We can't wait for tomorrow to be here already!!!!

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