I guess you really never know how much you will miss somebody until that somebody is all the sudden not in your life anymore or how you wish you had become better friends with that somebody before they left. The saying is true – you don’t know what you have until it is gone – or however it actually goes. Who I thought to be only an old acquaintance came back into my life this weekend and I realized this person was a long lost friend, someone whom without them with me – left me with a void in my life for so many reasons, so many questions left unanswered, so many feelings left unsaid and a part of me was missing while she was gone. Who is the “someone” I speak so highly of, well, in reality it isn’t an actual person at all, but a part of me – a part of all of us women, something we all take for granted, something we all really love to hate – we all have a common bond to bitch about but without this something in your life, your womanhood is suddenly striped from you and you are left wondering if you will ever be the same again – in so many ways that you never thought of before, because you had it and never remember life without it. MY PERIOD IS BACK!! I cried like a baby Saturday morning when I realized what was happening, I cried for all I thought that was lost, I cried for me feeling whole again, I cried for this part of my journey finally coming to an end.

A new best friend was also found this weekend. I finally put my money where my mouth is and actually scrapbooked! I have talked about wanting to do it, I have all the shit to do it, I organized my room time and time again to do it, I read lots of magazines to figure out how to do it, but I had never sat down and done it. I bite off a lot this weekend, I committed to a scrapbook retreat with my sister and several of her hardcore scrappin’ friends – there I was, a newbie, so to say, to this world and felt I had to prove something to them and to myself. And boy, did I prove it and fall in love with it. This isn’t really like me, but here are all the pages I created this weekend – I am in love with a new best friend.


  1. Wow-it's funny how you don't know how much you miss something until it is gone huh? I was laughing/crying when I read your blog! I haven't had a visit from the same friend since I had Kate and also this weekend I was visited by the same friend–I thought it was never going to come back–she will be a year next mth! Crazy! Also, I love the scrapbook pages!

  2. Glad to hear the good news!

  3. Renee!!!! Congrats! I'm so happy to hear your news!

  4. Oh Renee… I am tearing up reading your post because I'm just so happy for you. That is wonderful news!!!! And the scrapbook is really, really adorable!

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