I love that I don’t have anything specific to write about lately – that to me means my life has settled down into a normal, everyday life that I longed for last year at this.
We have had a busy, busy week and weekend – as usual. I had to let the ole toe heal for a week, so I wasn’t able to run from last Friday until this Friday when I did meet Stacy to run 8 miles. I have found my free therapy with these long runs!

Eric’s parents have been in town which has been great. They watched Ian for us and it fabulous to be able to get out of the house childfree. Don’t get me wrong, I love our little bug, but yes, yes it is great to get out without him!

I am busy working on the craft fair event for the bclub, which I am so excited about. I love being involved in projects and something with an outcome as great as this is perfect for me. I also signed up to be a vendor at 2 craft fairs at the end of Oct for Leopards & Lilies and I am SO excited to start getting things going. I really feel like once I sorted all my old lingering feeling and got myself cleared and centered again, things are really started happening easily for me, which is wonderful and I am so grateful for.

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