we are about to head out and close on our new house. This is a first for me – I have never closed on a house before! Eric owned this house when we met and I just moved in and took over! It still doesn’t really feel real to me and I am not sure when it will. I keep thinking, we have a perfectly perfect house, is it glutteny for us to purchase another house?

We won’t get the house until Jan 8, as the current owners are leasing it back from us until then. Then we will re-do the kitchen and possibly the carpet – depending how the kitchen budget goes! I can’t wait to get in there and make this house our home!

We are going to hold on to our current house and lease it out. Eric has a dream of owning several lease houses, so hey, we are going to start down that road.

Let’s see what else – Ian is out of school until Jan 6 – this might be a long 3 weeks for us! No, not really – well, maybe!?! He is doing great (yes, this is my time to brag on him). He is talking up a storm, surprised me the other day and busted out his ABC’s (not 100% complete – he skips a few here and there) but he made it to the end and my heart melted; he is counting up to 20; he loves to workout with me which is so flipping funny; the colors are still ify – sometimes he gets them sometimes he doesn’t (which I think is because he doesn’t care); he has been talking a big game of sitting on Santa’s lap, and if he does and tells Santa he wants a bounce house – it is his, BUT I really don’t think it is all going to pan out. Other than that, we spend our days playing, talking to each other, laughing and just loving every minute of it.

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