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    Wish I'd been drinking with you! Ok, I have some unpopular advice… quit Facebook. Has anything positive come out of Facebook for you personally? And I mean really positive. Reading about other people's lives and feeling better about your own doesn't count. (only saying that cause that's what I did for a little bit lol) If not, then just quit FB because we already have WAY too many negatives in our life and who needs one more time/brain drain.

    An on to the positive! You are an amazing mom to Ian and only you know what is best for him and the time frame that is best for him. So it that means potty training at 4, so be it! You always inspire me and I wish I was there to hang with you in person, especially over several bottles of wine, and have a good cry with you. Anyway, enough rambling from me… this is sort of like a voicemail I would leave you…. vague, all over the place and long. I love you and miss you. Keep your chin up!


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