I am either still drunk, hung over or fell like I am still on a boat rocking – OH, I am ready to detox and get back to normal, lose my water weight and work up a sweat again.
The cruise was great and we had a fantastic time, just the two of us, relaxing, drinking, relaxing, drinking, reading, drinking, sleeping, eating, drinking, eating – I think you get the point – we didn’t do anything of importance for 4 whole days and it was amazing!
The highlights of the cruise were that I read two books – Chelsea Handler books that Amanda lent me and I laughed the whole time while reading them. And the best news is, I now think I am a comedian as well while using all her one liners.

While at Cozumel, Eric decided it was a good idea for us to rent a moped. I decided it was a good idea that I didn’t drive my own and opted to ride on the back of Eric’s. So after declining insurance, being assured we could not get lost on the island and getting a quick rundown of the how the moped turned on, we were off. Right out of the gate I was thinking this was a bad idea when I almost made myself throw up after a near miss of a huge iguana in the road and for some reason my reaction to this was gagging. After a short stop to look at the ocean, Eric maneuvered the moped back on the road, without me on it being as I was convinced him riding in the sand was not a good idea and we were back on the road. Not 2 minutes after being on the road, a bug flew and hit me in the face. I was ready to call this adventure done until we rode up to a local bar on the beach that served yummy michaladas but I couldn’t get my michalada until I got off the moped and burnt my leg on the exhaust pipe – thankfully the beer stand was a mere feet away and my wound is now healing nicely. Getting back through town was tricky and I knew mom was going to get a call from the Mexican medic telling her I was in the hospital there. Actually, it wasn’t that bad, but I was glad to be back on the boat, lounging with a drink in hand.

It was a wonderful get away but I was really ready to get home and hug and kiss Ian, A LOT! Trips are good but coming home is better.

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