Older, hopefully wiser, defiantly happier!

I like to think the older I get the more enlightened I become and with that thought, I thought I needed to look back on my last year and look ahead to my next year.

Things I learned in my 31st year:

Staying home with children, well child, is the defiantly the hardest job EVER, period, the end. But in that same thought, it is priceless.

To do what I want to do and not worry about “what they think.” I have a hard time letting of go of what people think (this isn’t something a lot of people realize about me), but as I become more comfortable with myself and my decisions, I am starting to acquire Eric’s attitude – let it go!

Running a marathon might not ever be in my future. Running more than 6 miles hurts me, I am slow and really, is it worth it for me to try to get faster when I hate every minute of it? NO

Taking my time and actually training “by the book” does pay off. I started off and could barely swim 4 laps and the whole time I thought I was on the verge of drowning and now, I can swim ½ mile without stopping and found my rhythm.

Off my Lifetime List:
Do yoga daily
Swim 20 minutes straight
Swim 30 minutes straight
Take adult only vacation
Start garden – well, not really me, but Eric and that was the plan all along!
Teach Ian how to recycle
Ian in toddler bed
Ian’s room organized
Scrapbook blog (leopardsandlilies.typepad.com) in case you want to look
Etsy business – I got my log in, banner and am setting up shop. I will send out email when all done – hopefully next week.

Here’s to another wonderful year.

1 Comment

  1. Happy Birthday Renee! I am drinking a glass of wine to celebrate you! cheers!!!

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