I am SO over home remodeling. I am over not having a stove to cook on. I am over not having hot water in the kitchen. I am over not having a dishwasher. One might wonder how the dishes are getting clean without hot water or a dishwasher; well I have been washing them but are they sanitary – I am not sure!

I am also over feeling sorry for myself and my lame weight loss. It is time to buckle down, count calories and do something about it.

I am over telling myself that I am not a “sales person” – I have made a decision to make a sales plan and start “beating the street” getting myself more business. I have been relying on my regular customers much too long to make my card classes a success but I have finally realized a few things: not everyone needs 8 cards a month and like all businesses to be successful, I am going to have to work at it to get my name out there and get people to my classes!

I am over thinking I have to be completely organized in order to be successful. Yes, I know it will help but in the mean time, I need to just do instead of trying to be organized before starting something new.

So, I am over my whining excuses and am ready to get busy living and doing instead of just dreaming and planning!

1 Comment

  1. Girl, everyone is a "sales person" in some fashion or another. You just have to think about how when you want something, and you have to talk your husband/sister/mom/friend into it. You know you can do it when you work it from the right angle. That's what being a sales person is all about…. knowing your audience and having the answers ready to the questions. You are totally capable, so don't stop yourself from being successful!!!

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