Random pics I have been meaning to post forever. I promise to be better with pictures – oma!

I wasn’t above ANYTHING when trying to get him to use that damn potty

Workin’ with daddy

Random pic at Danskin Tri – I got a medal for my 5k but I want a real one next year for the whole thing!

Don’t know?!?!

Hanging out in my work room “helping” me work! Hey start them young!


  1. Oh my, that potty picture has me rollin'! Love that the patio is wet (potty accident or fishing mishap, we're left to wonder…), and that his shirt is folded just right to say it all -"pee!"
    Can't wait to see you guys 🙂

  2. I'm going to echo Moni's comment about Ian. He is looking SO grown up. I love the picture of him fishing on the potty! Especially the blue mouth! Miss you and wish I could be there to split a bottle of wine with you right now!

  3. Ian is getting SO BIG! I'm going to have to see ya'll when I go into town next! 🙂

    Congrats on the 5k medal.. 🙂

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