My big boy:
Seriously, I realize I am a total sap but come on – how can my baby boy be such a big boy now? He changes and grows a little more everyday and I thank God for how happy and healthy he is, but can’t I slow it down?
We went to meet his new teacher for MDO today, tried to use the big boy potty at Kenny’s coffee and he wore big boy undies all day with no accident! He really is becoming a big boy.

My to-do list:
Is long but really, would I have it any other way? I don’t think so. On it right now is: planning and getting volunteers for Shop, Sip & Share, getting my lunch time card classes going (have 3 booked already!), getting my etsy shop opened by Oct 15th so I can do Christmas stuff and still working on the never budging 20 pounds (I would REALLY like to tell myself since my oncologist said it is fine and since my estrogen isn’t normal that I am good with it lingering around – but I am not!) My goal is to lose it by our cruise in February, 2011 – come on I should be able to do that – right?!?!

We bought an awesome round teak table off craigslist and now I am itching to get to resale stores to find 6 different/funky chairs for it – AH, I can’t wait for the dining room to come together and be done!

Eric is planning on taking Ian on a daddy & child camping trip in October. I think this is great for them and think it is even better that I wasn’t invited! Me + camping doesn’t equal any fun unless I can drink and that just doesn’t go over well when I have to wake up early and take care of a 3 yr old!

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