I am not and I am having a really hard time admitting to myself. I woke up in a panic last night over Shop, Sip & Share and am not sure it is going to happen this year.I just can’t put it all together myself.Yes, people have wonderfully said they would help but that isn’t enough at this point.There is so much to be done and with me being a stay at home mom, getting my business off the ground, take time for myself to work out, helping Team Survivor get our new blog up and writing for that 2 – 3 times a week and volunteering as an angel at church – something has to give.

Here is what I have left to do to make SS&S come together:

Find more vendors, get food donations, get wine donations, get cocktail table donations, get raffle donations, advertise/market event.I just can’t do it all with the 7 hours a week Ian is at school and keep everything going.I am not sure what I am looking for with writing this – not sure if i am looking for someone to tell me it is okay if I throw in the towel, if I want someone to tell me to suck it up – I don’t know.

I am having a really hard time justifying all this work and stress for $1600 – what we raised last year.But then I question, what if everyone only settled for raising $5K or more – would any money ever be raised for the little people (yes, I am one of the little people)??

Oh – I don’t know what to do.I have thought and prayed on it, asked for an answer but we all know those answers are never a sign saying yes or no – oh, how that would be nice.

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