Yes, I am aware most of the above words (all of them!) are my made up words that I usually reserve for Ian bo-bein. But after my day today with “my girls” I just feel all mushy, gushy inside – I love my girls. I never thought of myself as a stay-at-home mom and a big part of that was because I was afraid of not having the daily social contact with the outside world.

This group we have formed has slowly been progressing over time and I realized today that we are so much more than a “neighborhood group of friends.” We are the kind of friends you look at with envy (I know I have looked at others with that envy), we are the kind of friends I wasn’t sure existed after high school (I had VERY high standards after my high school group who I still am great friend with today), we are true friends – who are all completely ourselves with and for that, we all accept and love each other. I never thought I would be a part of something this great again and it makes me a better mommy, person, woman and so much more.

So to the mushy, gushy part (as if that wasn’t enough??) – after realizing this I realized even more so how completely blessed and 100% fortunate I am in life, love, family matters and happiness. Sometimes it is hard for me to over look the two things that I am not sure about in life – more children & cancer. And yes, if I look at those as individual matters they can consume me, get me all worked up and almost drive me crazy, but when I look at my life as a whole – those two pretty big matters don’t make a dent in all the other blessings I have.

I am happy. I am loved, in love and love. I am healthy. I have a wonderful family (don’t get me wrong, they drive me a little crazy at times!) I have friendships of all kinds and across the country. I am creative and have a wonderful supportive husband who believes I can make my hobby a business.

It is easy to get caught up in what I don’t have, what I want, how fast I wish I could run, etc. but then I think about those things and I know even if I had all that it wouldn’t matter without all my other mushy gushy stuff.

1 Comment

  1. i read your first sentence , and oushy is not a made up word , it is my official name

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