You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing which you think you cannot do.

– Eleanor Roosevelt

Now, I am NOT saying I can’t and won’t beat this, but I am scared shitless at this point in time. We listened to the meeting with Dr H from Friday when we found out the “news,” Monday night and I heard things I worked really hard to forget (yes maybe by drinking lots of wine) during the weekend. I made another appt with her yesterday for today because we had time to get our heads on straight, think rationally and ask coherent questions (Friday….not so much).

So we now know the following things are a for sure – whereas Friday we were kind of sure, maybe, not really.

It has nothing to do with Rheumatoid Arthritis. I was hoping the hot spots in my shoulder were somehow from… maybe RA….not.

The main spot on my lung is kind of in the middle of my chest and is about 2 inches. We can’t biopsy more now from this spot because it is in front of my heart and well at this point a needle in my heart isn’t going to help matters much.

There are several (still not sure HOW much) spots IN my lungs (before I was thinking they were on my lungs…not sure why) and each of these are about the size of pea.

We can’t do surgery on these because they are small and randomly all over the place.

I am still not 100% sure about the bone…it is in my bones but barely because it did NOT register on the bone scan. It is on a rib and in my left shoulder area (this is what I was hoping was going to be from RA).

Eric then wanted to have a private conversation with her which I was fine with. Not really sure what all was said and at this point and I don’t care. My mind is made up that I don’t care…I don’t care what is said, I am going to be here…for my life, for Eric, for Ian, for my family, for my friends…I DON’T CARE what they say. I DON’T F-IN CARE!!!

I asked for a 3 week plan (I think I like figuring out steps in 3 weeks at a time – less than a month but manageable). Get an appt with MD Anderson in Houston, go get thrown through a gamut of tests again, figure out if they have any trials going on that would benefit me – if yes, great – go to Houston once a week. If no, see what they would recommend. If same as Dr H, get treatment here. If different, figure out what is different, have them collaborate and see what option is better. How we are going to actually make this decision – I have no idea. Eric found several other trials throughout the country that we were hoping would pan out to be something….no.

SO pretty much, in 3 weeks I will be in chemo. If we go with her my treatment it will be 3 weeks on (once a week), 1 week off for 5 – 10 months.

A coward gets scared and quits. A hero gets scared, but still goes on.

– Anonymous

I came up with my new prayer: Thank You God for my body which is a vessel of radiant health that is full of life, love, laughter and light for at least another 50 years.

I am scared…very scared.


  1. Brave Renee,

    With the thought that you (like me) are touched by quotations, I'll pass this one along. I thought of you in relation to Ian (and Eric) when I read it.

    "Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear." -Ambrose Redmoon

    /me waves from the car!

  2. You are showing such grace and courage! I like the thought of letting the doctors and medicine attack this but that you (and our prayers) are leading with love. I know a lady from the Y who survived lung cancer 17 years ago. They had to take out 2 lobes of each lung because they died. She is now 92 and in my exercixe class. You are so strong! You can beat this.

  3. Renee, you are so strong and I know you are gonna beat this. I love you so much and wish I could be there with you..
    "Feed your faith and your fears will starve to death."

  4. Renee,
    I KNOW you can beat this. I believe in you and your strength and will thank God every day for your healthy body and your infinitely strong spirit. I am here for your every step of the way. Much love,

  5. It is OK to be scared, I would be. I am glad you are sharing, we are here for you! Lean on us, we will help you through it.

  6. Renee.. I think of you daily, and I am so, so happy you are putting all of this out here. Thank you for talking about it.

    I saw this coming out of Livestrong yesterday and thought of you. They do clinical trial matching, too, if you guys haven't had a chance to go
    through their stuff:—Austin,-Texas

  7. Wow Renee, your posts are incredible. I am definitely praying for your strong and healed body. I have never met your husband, but he sounds like an amazing man. God has a great way of giving us soulmates. Sending love and strong prayers your way!!

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