I have always prided myself on my ability on making quick & précis decisions. I am (maybe was) the type that once my mind was made up, that was that – it was what it was and I was done with it. From simple things like shopping (unlike my sister who can hem and ha over what color $12 plastic watch to buy for 30 minutes and in the mean time I have shopped, paid and then sucked into her decision making…love you chele) to big things like buying a house (found the house I loved and that was that).

I am losing my ability to make decisions though – any decision. I have been looking at Eric to help me with decisions because in my mind he is Mr. Science Guy. He has researched this “thing” (yes, I think I will refer to it as a “thing” for now) from every angle possible, he has researched my diet and so much more.

I now find myself asking Eric, can I eat that, should I do this, how are we going to decide what to do with my treatment? I even called from the airport after dropping Marci off in tears because I couldn’t decide if I should take the unknown toll-way home.

I feel two things with this loss of decision making and leaning on Eric more – I feel like a part of me is gone because I have never been so needy but on the other hand I feel stronger for recognizing that I need help and asking for it and finally, accepting it!



  2. He does sound like an amazing man, but I have also learned that the hardest thi8ng for me to do in my life was to ask for help. It did not matter what project, health deciosion, etc.; I wanted everyone to know I guess (subconsciously) that I am an adult, smart enough, and can do it alone. Once I broke that barrier down and learned, starting small, to ask for help, it was a gift. You are never alone with God on your side, but it's never bad to ask those (God with skin) for help.

  3. Sounds like you have yourself an AMAZING man!! Lean on him all you can!! I am pretty sure he loves to be of assistance to you!!

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