Friday, March 8:

Today started like any other day – Ian woke up at 6:40 and needed me to come lay with him. Of course I can’t refuse when we get to snuggle in his bed and chit chat for 20 minutes until his star goes off.

9:20 came fast but slow. Time seems to be a weird thing lately. It has been exactly one month since I received the call about an abnormal ct scan. Since that Tuesday so so much has happened – tests, biopsy, MD Anderson, visits from best friend, family, a few break downs and normal days in between. In one way I feel like I should have started chemo forever ago but on the hand I can’t believe I am already starting – crazy.

Kissing Ian good-bye this morning was like a kick to the gut (really, I don’t know what that is like because I have never been in a fight in my life (except on little altercation with a best friend but that was just me pulling her hair, OH and that one time I might have hit a boy friend with a car – that is still up for debate as well)) – so all in all, I have never been hit! I digress, back to today. Pulling into the TOC garage is when it hit, the sick feeling in my stomach, the wonder how I was going to make it up the stairs, the fear of what is about to happen to me and what my body is doing to itself.

Once paid, I had to get blood drown – d*mn it! 2 pokes later, they had the blood. After that I decided I AM getting a port…sometime next week. My veins suck (not due to this crap they always have) and if I need blood and an IV every Friday – well that just isn’t happening.

After talking with the nurse practitioner Eric remembered to ask her about my side (I THOUGHT I had gotten a few spider bites on my right side right under my ribs and all who know me know that the way I react to any kind of bite it was no surprise that I thought this major swelling around the bites was just spider bites)….it isn’t spider bites (no it isn’t the cancer trying to come out of my skin – hey, a girl can hope!) I have shingles…WTF?!?! I guess this virus is in most of us if we had chicken pox and then it like to come out when there is a change in stress level – NO idea what brought on the change of stress level?!?!

Okay, now I know I have shingles, am armed with a load of prescriptions we were off to the infusion room. Nothing too exciting happened here. It took about 2 hours in the infusion, but it won’t take that long once I get my port.

After we got home, I passed out for like 1.5 hours, got up felt great, went to Chuy’s for dinner because that just sounded really good – and it was!

Everyone wants to know how I feel. I feel fine – tired but fine. I am curious to see what the next few days bring?

Oh – the care calendar is up. If you told me you wanted me to add you and you have NOT received an email let me. There is a slight (SLIGHT!!) chance I overlooked something and didn’t add your name to the list – big surprise!


  1. Book Nerd_est1979

    Shingles is no fun. I had it for the two weeks before I had Mayela. I had pups on my belly, so for a whole week I thought that I had some on my back.

    Sorry to hear about what you are going through. I will keep you and your family in my prayers.

  2. I wanna be on the calendar. I know I'm all the way in California but there's gotta be something I can do to help.. Comic relief? anything.. love love love you..

  3. Renee

    Mark had shingles this winter, caught them early, had a few days of discomfort, took Aleve and was fine within a week or so. Hope that you have the same type of situation!

    Love you!

  4. love you renee. thinking of you three this weekend.

  5. I want to be on the calendar too!

  6. Holy crow! Shingles really suck! I had that a couple years ago. It was no picnic, but I can't imagine having that on top of what you're already going through.

    I don't know what pain killers you can take, but Aleve worked better on the pain than any of the prescription pain pills. Hopefully you're able to take the antiviral meds too because they made me feel better really quick.

    Praying for you, friend!!

  7. ::raises hand shyly:: I would like to be on the care calendar please, and I think my mom and Jenny do too. Do you need all of our email addresses?

    And ahem, I would like to hear more about hitting your old boyfriend with a car?!

    Hang tough, chickie! You can do this!!!

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