Last night, at dinner with Eric, listening to live music, celebrating our 6th anniversary, we (or maybe I) launched into the conversation of 6 years ago – we had NO idea where our lives would be today, would Eric had still married me knowing I was riddled with cancer (yes, I can be a TAD dramatic) and of course he being the prince he is said 1st off, you are NOT riddled with cancer, 2nd off you couldn’t have stopped me from marring you – oh I do love him.

And as most dinners go with a glass of wine, the “why” of it all came up. I said, “I just wish I knew my reason for this – I know there is a reason but what is it?” Would I do something different if I knew my reason for this? Is my reason for this really for me? What if it is to affect someone else to cause them to do something great – who knows? I would love to know.

Eric had a great response though – you are never greater at what you are doing than while you are hungry for the outcome. Once you get to the outcome – your ultimate goal, you let your guard down, you stop trying as hard as you once were because you are there.

This all made me really think. What would I do now if I knew my ultimate reason? Would I try as hard as I am now to understand it – I don’t know…why would I if I already understood it?

So it brings me back to my question of, “what is my reason for this?” I really wish I knew but I am not sure I will ever know. I guess it goes back to everyone’s question – what is our purpose here on earth…I want to think it is to love each other unconditionally but I am sap.

But for now I will stay hungry for life, love, a cure, my purpose, joy, happiness, my family & friends and so much more.


  1. Renee, I don't know if this is your purpose or not, but I and many others are so inspired by the way you have handled everything with such life, love, and spirit…. Pointing to God all along the way. He is definitely using you for something great right now. And that husband of yours… Love him!!
    Love you!


  2. Continue to stay hungry! xoxo

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