I try

To shut out the bitter

in my oh so sweet moments

of the day.

But it is hard.

I try to hand

all the bitter

over to God

but a little is left on my fingers.

I try to remember

that 5 good days

out of 7

is a great percentage.

I try to remember

friends having babies

is a miracle

although not mine.

I try to remember

normal has changed

several times before

and doesn’t mean

it can’t go back.

I try to remember

a time when cancer wasn’t

in my vocabulary

in my life.

I try to remember

My determination is strong

My love for life is stronger

My spirit is strongest

I try to remember

These oh so sweet times

1 Comment

  1. Remember when…
    *you tried to "lose" me at the Galleria Mall when we were 16?!
    *we wore those hideous prom dresses and had equally disastrous hair styles?!
    *you came over to my house the morning of the first day of school our senior year at AHS and we both wore denim dresses?!
    *we took step aerobics at Amarillo College and I was a total spaz in the class and got a B?!
    *I came back from OU and dragged you to WTAMU with me and made you sign up for the same classes as me?!
    *we got shushed by that cranky teacher lady at Sushi Den?!
    *you told me you met an awesome new friend (Laurie) at work and you guys would go to happy hour?!
    *you met this really nice guy named Eric and you just about blew it with him?!
    *you called me to tell me that you got engaged?!
    *you and Eric danced to "Somwhere Over the Rainbow" at your beautiful wedding?!
    *you called to tell me that you were pregnant and craving hamburgers?!
    *you texted me that Ian was finally born (after along a difficult labor/c-section) on the 11th, not the 10th as expected?!
    *you called me to tell me that you met this great group of mom friends in your neighborhood and how much their friendship has come to mean to you?!
    *you never thought you would get Ian potty-trained and now look at what a big boy he his?!

    Renee, there are so many wonderful things in your life that I don't have the space to remember them all in this comment section. But we also had some tough times mixed in there too. Memory is a great and wonderful thing… we edit out the bad and remember the good. You are SO strong and SO amazingly wonderful. I am blessed with your friendship and consider it such an honor that you keep me in your heart too. I love you!


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