This has hands down been the worst treatment to date. I would easily take a crappy infusion compared to this. I guess I can say today is better – I feel like crap verses yesterday I felt like complete sh*t.

This is not the norm – THANK YOU GOD. It is the bone medicine Zoledronic Acid that is used to help strengthen my bones. From what Eric read, this should be a one-time gig – again, THANK YOU GOD.

My bones hurt like nothing I have ever felt – even my ankles and toes hurt.

My skin hurts – even when Ian hugs me it hurts.

I am cold even outside in the heat.

I am so tired but I can’t sleep and I can’t get up and do anything because when I stand I think I might throw up.

I tried to go to the Ladies Tea yesterday at church but had to leave about half way through – I hurt too badly.

We went to church this morning and I was a wreck. I cried more than usual and I just couldn’t get centered. We then went to lunch and the “spicy” sandwich I ordered didn’t taste – Eric said it was very spicy.

I am praying that tomorrow this hurt is gone because my heart hurts too.


  1. Hey sweetie. I hope you are feeling better today. Thinking of you!

  2. Renee,

    I hate to hear this time has been so difficult. I hope today brings no more pain and that you feel much better. Love you,

  3. Hey, Renee.

    Ugh! I'm so sorry you had a craptastic time after your ZA infusion. I had Zometa (the brand name) for the first time in September. The next day was miserable…I felt exactly as you described. I had another infusion in January and had ZERO symptoms. It was weird. The nurses told me that the first time you feel awful but any subsequent infusions aren't bad. It was true with me. Hang in there! Let me know what you want to get lunch and get those hats and scarves. 🙂

    Much love!

  4. Renee, my heart hurts for you too. I hope you feel better soon! Sending soft hugs your way!

    🙂 Kelly

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