Today is a new day!! I FINALLY feel like I have climbed out of the fog I was stuck in for the past 3 days. Those were possibly the toughest 3 days I have had in a really long. After talking to Eric last night I figured out that it took a huge emotional toll on me too – I went from feeling great – thinking this sh*t ain’t so bad – from my off week to be slammed head first into a brick wall.

But, my fever broke last night (or I was having my first hot flash?) and I woke up this morning feeling much, much better.

Yesterday’s daily word was just what I needed:


I am healthy and whole and continually renewed by the spirit of God within me.

Prayer is primary to my healing, whether I am recovering from an illness, surgery or even a broken heart. I begin each day with quiet moments of prayer. I give thanks for the life within me. I visualize the healthy, happy, energetic life I desire.

Healing takes time, and recovery takes many forms. A positive outcome will result if I give my body and mind the time they need. Patiently, I pray for the wisdom to know and do all I can to facilitate my recovery.

Turning my attention to the needs of others often helps my own recovery. Volunteering, even in a seemingly small way, renews me. Praying for others helps us all. Each prayer and every healthful activity supports my ongoing recovery.

I worked on thank you cards yesterday, necklace flowers and that made a world of difference in me, to me, for me. It is too easy to get caught up in head about the hurt, the suck of it, the p*ssed off of me – but then something so simple as writing a thank you card for something someone sent totally changes me – I remember the love that person has for me and I for them and it gets me out of “that” place.

Several people were really worried about me.  Don’t be – I am better.  I just needed to wallow in my own self-pity for awhile – and no, this is NOT something I recommend – it didn’t get me anywhere good.

Ian asked me to make him a date with his friends today and I already have it all organized and I am so excited to be getting out of the house with him to enjoy our day.

Here’s to being out of the fog.


  1. Yay for this turn of events!

  2. Glad you are feeling better today! You have been in my thoughts!

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