Who Are You??

In my best caterpillar voice smoking a pipe (From Alice and Wonderland) – what was he smoking in that pipe??? HMMM…I think I already know  🙂

So, I found this nifty little button on my blog that says stats. Now, don’t go getting all excited on me here – I actually have no idea what all these numbers mean. I know though that the numbers I see on who follows this blog and those who read don’t add up in the least bit.

I thought it would be fun to see who is out there, who is reading this, how did you find it – I am curious.

To entice you to tell me about you, I thought I would tell you a little more about me – other than the obvious – I have breast cancer, the best hubby, family and friends ever.

Ten Things You Don’t Know About Me:

1. The mail system, UPS, FED Ex totally intrigues me. I mean, how does one letter start at one post office, get thrown in with tons of other mail and end up where it needs to be? I just don’t understand it.

2. I feel my degree was a big waste. NOW don’t get me wrong, Ian will go to college, get a degree and that is that. I feel like if I would have gotten a degree more “me” it wouldn’t have been a waste…however, I did not.

3. If I ever have to actually “go back to work” and be expected to bring home a paycheck (GASP, I know) I would go to beauty school and cut hair. Hopefully, I wouldn’t be a beauty school drop out!

4. I LOATH figuring out anything technical. If it wasn’t for Eric I still wouldn’t have a working MP3 player. It takes me WAY too long to figure out this blog stuff as well.

5. I didn’t always have this great relationship with God as I do now. It took a lot of work to open up and let myself go.

6. I am really shy around new people and/or in big groups.

7. Sometimes I can’t even get a word close enough for spell check to correct it. Obvious is one of those – 6 times trying up there at the top….kept coming up oblivious.

8. I once ate a whole box of muffin batter (RAW) with my sister – yes we were sick. Also, I once ate so much Halloween candy that I threw up – see a pattern here?!?

9. I have a dream to change the world with cards and writing.

10. I always said I would marry a nerd. Don’t get me wrong here; I see nothing wrong with nerds – actually the opposite. I think we are all nerds deep down but only people true to themselves are brave enough to know who they are and not care what others think – therefore can be a little nerdy! Hey, I am a big ole dork when it comes down to it – you should hear some of my “jokes”

So who are you? How did you find this blog?

For what it is worth, I do read every comment and love reading them. I am never sure how to respond to them though – if I write back in the comment sections will whoever wrote it know it is there? Hmmm – I don’t know but I do love reading them.

Let me know – I am really curious.


  1. Love your blog! Found it after we reconnected!!!

  2. Book Nerd_est1979

    I stumbled on your blog when I was looking at your Leopards and Lillies blog, after you did crafts at my work. I came to read it after I found out your cancer had returned, and I was curious about how you found out. I started following when I saw what an amazing writer you are, and I am inspired every day by your beautiful spirit and courage.


  3. Hi Renee,

    I am Megan's friend from college. I really enjoy your writing style and honesty. I found you through Megan's blog. I'm a blog stalker. Sorry. But feel free to comment on mine.


  4. Hi Renee its actually Heather Shannon-Lanham. I heard about your illness from Jessica Hyde. She advised me of the blog and since I have read it everyday and I truly enjoy listening what you have to say. It is very insprirational. I know we have not talked in forever and years but Im actually still here. Hyde keeps me in the loop luckily. I currently live in The Woodlands, TX. You came through here going to MD Anderson Im sure. Well keep in touch and I will continue to read daily. My email address if u ever want to email is fourlanhams@yahoo.com. Your still your same silly self!

  5. I love your blog & read it most often when you post the link on facebook!! You forgot to mention in your top 10 to mention what a great writer & awesome strong person you are!!! And I'm so glad I am not the only bad speller out there! I LOVE spell check!!!

    Jill A

  6. I am a member of Pink Ribbon Cowgirls- I just stumbled on your blog and have been readinng it ever since. You have helped me realize how blessed I am.
    Theresa G
    9 1/2 year survivor

  7. Hey it's Casey. I love reading your blog! Great poem to your mom!

  8. Ahh you know I'm here. 🙂

  9. I LOVE that you had the nerve to ask this! I always wonder too but never have the nerve to ask.
    Love your blog, love your writing, love your nerve!

  10. I follow your Blog because you have been heavy on my heart and I think you are a wonderful writer and I love how open you are. I love that you enjoy cards because I do too….just in a technologically, personal way. 🙂 Well, I hate that I didn't get a degree and enjoy college life like a lot of people did, but it all happened for a reason! And its just as well because if I did do schooling I REALLY wish it was Hair School Too! Now….I won't do that because I don't want to lose my weekends with the kids. 😉 You are brave and beautiful! Keep Sharing!

  11. You girls are crazy! This isn't an AA meeting!

  12. I'm addicted to your blog girl!! It is like reading a good book.

    Kelly 🙂

  13. HI Renee,
    I read your blog and love it. I'm a follower as of today, remember I told you about the google reader, now your updates will post for me there.
    I spell horribly too. The saddest part is I teach. =0)

  14. You know me too! I LOVE reading your blog! You're an amazing writer (I can't spell either) and I like to see how you're doing. You're always in my thoughts!

  15. Name is Marci. Met you when we were 13, friends for life and I stalk your blog daily but I'm not actually a "follower." I don't even know what that means or how to do it. I'm a little technically challenged as well. 🙂

  16. Well, you know me…but I thought I would remind you that I am reading your blog and I am so proud of who you are!!! Love you, girl!

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