Drum Roll Please………

So I just got a call from my Dr. H’s office. It was at 1:40 this afternoon – not long away. And I got my results – you curious at all??

EXCELLCENT!!!!!!!!!! Is what the nurse said as soon as she told me who was calling! She said it was written all over my chart – HELL YES it is written all over my chart!!!

Ian, Aunt Tammy and I were walking through JC Penny to get to our car after a long morning at swim class and then to the mall for carousel ride, train ride, bounce house and lunch – makes me tired just thinking about it all. I had my phone with me all morning, willing it to ring. Then when I was done thinking about it – trying to get us out of the mall and home it rang. I about hit the ceiling when it rang – like I hadn’t been waiting for it all morning! The only other time I waited for a call like this was when I was waiting to hear from the breast surgeon for my results the first time.

We stopped in the middle of JC Penny. Tammy and I were both holding our breath. I heard the word EXCELLCENT – I yelled, I danced and then Tammy and I cried.

SO, here is what I “heard”….we will know 100% what is going on next Friday.

What is GONE – the big a*s spot in middle of my lungs that was around my lympnodes. All but TWO little spots in my lungs. The two that are there – one in lower left is tiny and one spot in lower right – both spots are “dense” and that doesn’t necessarily mean cancer. They don’t know about the bone spots because those didn’t show up on the first CT Scan – those showed up on a PET scan.

What there is NOT – any new uptake – which is GREAT – means no new cancer!!!!

I asked if I still need chemo. She said she wasn’t sure but to keep all appointments as is for now. Here is what I am thinking – you know since I am so well versed in oncology! That I will get two more months of chemo (F*IN BREEZE!!), get PET scan, show I am ALL clear, wipe my hands of this mess and get on with our lives!!!!!! BUT that is just my thinking.

I am not even sure I have processed this yet – I know I haven’t. I still feel shaky and in a fog of WHAT IN THE WORLD is happening, but I am SO SO SO thankful for my answered prayers – everyone’s answered prayers. I knew my prayer of “Thank You sweet Father for the miracle of my cancer free body today, tomorrow & always” was working – I knew it in my heart, in my soul – I knew it.

Thank you all for your prayers, your love, and your support – just you being you. I know this isn’t over yet, but I am a h*ll of a lot closer to the finish line than 2 months ago.

I am still dumbstruck so if this doesn’t make since please forgive me.


  1. WOW! God is Good!!! I am so happy for you! You need to write your story and get it published…your positive attitude and fighting spirit could help women get through their trial!

  2. WOOT WOO! Totally crying with happiness for you. Take that, cancer. I knew in my heart you'd kick its a** with your positive outlook! Love you, girl!

  3. DOUBLE FIST PUMP!!!!! HELL FN YEAH!!! I know when I/anyone leaves anything in God's hands he takes care of EVERYTHING. GOD DOES WHAT WHAT WE CAN'T DO FOR OURSELVES!!!

  4. Renee
    So happy for you on this wonderful news!


  5. Wohooo! Soooo excited to read the good news.

  6. Thank you Lord! I am SO thrilled for your good news!!!!!

  7. OMG Renee this is awesome news! I am so happy for you! Way to kick butt 🙂

  8. YAY! Congratulations! 🙂

  9. It's the best news of the day!! YAAAAYYYY!! Renee … you are an awesome woman!! Your attitude about it all just ROCKS!! This was a bawl blog post!! Dang these hormones!! I am crying tears of joy for you AND those men that love you most!! GOD IS SO GOOD!

  10. That is so Frickin' Awesome! So happy for you. Keep saying and believing that affirmation. You GO GIRL!!!! Love ya! Amy

  11. OMG!!! God is so GOOD!!! I just took a little "break" at work, and now I'm crying in my office, thanking God for his beautiful miracles! YAY, YAY, YAY!!

  12. BettencourtFamily

    Sitting at sonic for "happy hour" and am crying tears of joy! Your attitude is amazing and God is Good!!!!!! Awesome news!

  13. YAY RENEE YAY!!!! SO, so, so excited about the great news. Yes, go celebrate, go relax and let it sink in that you have some fight in you!!!

  14. That's awesome Renee! So happy!

  15. Renee!! Praise the Lord!!! I am so excited to hear the great news!!! Still praying for you sweet friend and can't wait to hear more great news!!!

  16. Am crying tears of thankfulness, joy and just plain 'ole emotion. What a beautiful day!!! Thank you God!!!!!
    I hope you and Eric can go out to celebrate! Give Tammy a hug from me too. love you,

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