This is it – this is the big project I have been “talking” about when I kept saying I had something in the works. I 100% feel this is one of my big to dos in this life – I believe God has tasked me with this – to help others and myself send love out into the world – one person at a time.

This idea has been in my head since the start of my diagnosis the first time. It has evolved through many stages, it has been pushed to the back burner and completely off the stove several times, but it just wouldn’t go away. My heart always held a piece of this idea no matter what I tried to do instead.

What is sending love? It is simple – it is a way for me, you, and everyone to write thoughts, feelings, kind word, and love for others down and send it to them.

From the ProjectSendingLove blog:

After both diagnosis’s, I received the most heartfelt cards from friends and family. These cards were filled with words of love, kindness, joy, hope and prayers. I honestly think this love helped carry me through cancer with flying colors!

Why do we wait to tell each other how much we love one and other, how important someone is to us and what an impact the person makes on our lives and the world until a tragedy strikes?

What if we all started sharing the love, kindness, joy and prayers that we think about others in our hearts all the time with those we are thinking about? How special and important would they feel? How could that love for each other change the world? I am not sure, but I have to see.

It is easy to get caught up in the idea of “how” do I tell others that I love them, respect them, that they are very import to me, to the world. But the how is the easiest part – open your heart and love. You can’t run out of it and the more you give, the more you have to give and the more you get. Crazy little thing God gave us – the ability to love.

Sending Love is such a simple idea and even simpler to do: write your love for others down on a postcard and send it.

“Be the change you want to see in the world” ~ Gandhi

I am tired of talking all this talk – now it is time for me to walk the walk.

1 Comment

  1. good stuff 😉 xox

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