I am not really sure if I should “count” Mondays as a chemo being as it is a parp and not really chemo. But my thoughts are – if I am getting poked in the port, it is a treatment.

I am very happy to say that last Friday was MUCH better than the first and today being my second Monday there; it is getting better every day. The nurses are just as kind and loving as the other office and I am starting to get know to them – which does make it easier.

It seems my new schedule of events are: Friday – treatment…tired after treatment and am ready for bed around 7:30 or 8:00, Saturday – sleep in and feel pretty good…start going downhill around 4:00, Sunday – feel a little more queasy…if I take medicine to make me not feel queasy I pass out for 2.5 – 3 hours, Monday – parp treatment and tired at night…I am tired but not down and out and each day seems to get a little better than the last. I have learned that going to be around 8:00 – 8:30 is just the easiest way for me to feel better quicker – not exciting but worth it.

We are heading out of town, so don’t be alarmed when I don’t write for over a week – the wolves haven’t taken over! Speaking of the wolves, your comments mean a lot to me. I have taken these little pieces to heart and really know they are words of truth and love. I am learning to be gentle with myself – I am hoping on vacation I can spend some time healing both physically and emotionally. And I need to remind myself we are all in a process of understanding and loving ourselves and each other – it doesn’t just happen without work and more than likely even after doing a lot work…it still takes more work.


  1. Thinking of you everyday. Have a wonderful, safe trip. Hugs to you, Eric, and that precious boy, Ian.

  2. Good to hear you are kind of settling in in the treatment sequence of events and making friends with the new hospitalization unit…

    Being away for a little while will be so precious!

    With much love to you and your many wolves 🙂

  3. glad to hear you are feeling even a smidge better, I've been thinking of you!

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