The blood transfusion was LONG. We got there at 9:30 and left at 4:00. Luckily I was in a private room, so we (Eric’s mom & I) hung out and watched tv (HGTV – I do get excited when I get to watch cable). They gave me some Benadryl and I passed out for about 2 hours. It was easy, but long. The million dollar question has been, “so, do you have more energy?” I would say yes – as much as I hoped it would be – maybe not, but I will take what I can get these days. We went to dinner Saturday night, I made it to Costco after church on Sunday with Eric and Ian, we went trick or treating on Monday night (even after chemo on Monday) so yes, I do have more energy. Am I ready to clean the house from top to bottom? No, but when I am ever?!?!

Halloween was a great time – I will post pictures sometime this week. Ian was Spiderman and only lasted maybe 3 minutes with his mask on – which I was fine with because he could hardly see with it on. We went trick or treating with all of our friends in the “hood” after a fun Halloween party. The kids had a blast and it was a lot of fun to see them all together. Ian did get a birdhouse for one of his treats – we are convinced the lady was cleaning out her garage. The other kids got other random treats from her house as well…very odd.

I am very much looking forward to this being an off week….I need an off week!

1 Comment

  1. I hope you had a wonderful weekend. You have been on my mind so much lately and I just wanted you to know how much I love you!

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