I was hoping with this being my final all out chemo, I could somehow slide through the side effects and just get on to life not on chemo – I was wrong….really, really wrong. I have pretty much been in bed since Friday when I got home from chemo and to leave yesterday to get BSI infusion.

With no appetite and feeling nauseas every time I got up, the easiest way to deal with it was to sleep…and sleep I did.

I feel better today and am praying I continue to feel better day by day.

I guess this last chemo really wanted to show me what it could do – I get it ok, you are tough and no easy thing to contend with.

I am still in a little bit of shock and disbelief that was my last chemo. Now I feel like is the time my faith has to carry me through just being on the BSI and not chemo – I know God put me in this position and I have to trust that – even though it is scary. Yes, I am scared – very scared.

Please pray for me to continue to be NED from here on out.


  1. Tough it certainly is, that chemo!… and especially with the cumulative effect…

    Tougher you are as you rise from its ashes and can already feel somewhat stronger.

    Take all the hours of sleep and rest you need in the coming days as you start to really believe this was the last round!

    We believe with you and In You!
    Lots of love,


  2. I pray for you every day Renee. I'm sorry this last round was so harsh. Can't wait to talk to you soon- Laurie

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