Too many things have happened these past few days that makes my stomach turn and scares the crap out of me.

One of our Pink Ribbon Cowgirls passed away – she was young….my age young and had a 4 year-old-son. My heart hurts for family and friends and especially her son.

Then I just got an email update from another PRC, she stopped chemo September 15 and was free and clear of the C word – it is back and she has to start chemo again.

I don’t get it. I do so good at thinking I am doing good and thinking I have it all under control and then something like this happens and I think, this could so easily be me.

It is fine line I am trying not to cross – thinking about these people, their situations, their hurt and in turn thinking “what if” that is me again? It could so easily be me again.

 It sucks, cancer sucks.


  1. Thinking of you and praying for you, as always, sis.

    Praying that God give you a "peace that surpasses all understanding" as you wrestle with these things.

    Love and hugs to you.

  2. Renee,
    Yes, cancer sucks- and it could be you again, it could be me. But right now it is not. Celebrate that fact now.

    I used to always "freak out" when I would hear of someone with a recurrence or someone who had passed away. I try to do something positive for that person or persons who are struggling. This does 2 things- it keeps your mind busy and it helps or honors your friend.

    I have learned in the last 10 years, that God has a plan for you- it is your job to have faith in that plan (much easier said than done). When I was diagnosed, I was 31 and single. I am now married and was blessed with a daughter- something I never thought could happen to me post cancer.

    Sorry to go on, I know it is hard not to worry or get down. Stay positive-

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