Honestly, I was starting to freak out…I hadn’t heard anything from anyone yet. In the past, I had usually heard my scan results either the day of or the next day. My mind started playing mean tricks on me – I started thinking that they weren’t calling because they just wanted to tell me the news while I was there and that had to mean bad news – right? WRONG.

Scans shows nothing, nada, zilch! I am still NED!!!!

It turns out Dr. H’s nurse is out of town this week and she is the one who always emails and calls me – we are tight like that! But with her being out of town, things feel through the cracks, as Lisa told me, and she felt horrible that I hadn’t gotten my results – eh, whatever. No one needs to feel bad, I just needed to hear that my report was boring – I like boring.


  1. Awesome news! I am so happy for you and your family! Please know you are always in my prayers!

  2. We're so glad to hear your "boring" news! It's great!


  4. Awesome news! Hope to see you soon. Plan to start back to church on a regular basis next month. 🙂

  5. Celebrating the great news with you guys! Sending lots of hugs to you 🙂

  6. WOOOHOOO! *fist pump* That is great news!

  7. Excellent news Renee!

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