
Ian isn’t real sure about his new bike…I think it is a little big.  But Eric has been wanting something to do in the evening with Ian so he looked on craigslist (I heart craigslist…I mean really, where else can you get deals like this?!?!) and found a tandem attachment for Ian to ride behind Eric.  They went to pick it up Monday night and we had the madam voyage last night….It was love!!

Ian was nervous at first – just like his mommy! But they got on and road around the park, the pond and up and down some pretty steep hills. Eric said they chit chatted the whole way and Ian pedaled also!

This was a great buy!


  1. So Cute! I am a new follower from Jeanne's class, I look forward to reading more of your blog!

  2. Hi Renee. I'm in the Creative Business workshop with you and just wanted to say your blog is beautiful and I am praying for you! Take care, Michelle

  3. What a wonderful ride they must have had! I also love Craigs List…..I just never know what I'm going to find next! 🙂

  4. SUPER cute! Ian is SUCH the big kid these days!

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