I read a daily devotional by Chris Tiegreen called The OneYear Experiencing God’s Presence…it has truly changed how I view my relationship with God.

I love the message it teaches – the Holy Spirit lives in us (John 14:17), Jesus is in us (John 14:20),and we can be filled with the fullness of God (Ephesians 3:19).

I try to live my daily life as an expression of God, be kind, compassionate, giving, forgiving, loving, etc as Jesus, to truly listen to what He is asking me to do and most importantly – DO IT!

I had a nudge a few weeks ago at church while two girls from the YOU (Youth of Unity) were talking about mission trips they are going on this summer and that they needed money for it.  I had a nudge, I heard a whisper – this is it.  What…God, what are you talking about…what is it? Then I realized, this was my chance to give of my time, talent and treasure.  I have been praying for a new way to serve my church since I can no longer be an angel to the pre-k class (too many kids + too many germs + mama going through chemo = not good!)

So here it was – a chance for me to help.  I asked them if they would be interested in me selling my canvases on their behalf and 50% of the proceeds to go to their causes – they were delighted to accept!

And, I did it!  I was nervous, but I kept asking God to calm me, and He kept assuring me he had the details covered and not to worry about it!

It was great – it was beautiful day full of life and love!  AND, it was a huge success!  I went in with 3 boxes full of canvases and left with a ½ box!

From the book: “Jesus, I don’t want to fall short of the potential You put in me.  Express Yourself fully through me and in me.”


  1. I'm so sorry I missed it Renee. Sounds like it was a huge success. So very kind and generous of you to do that for the Y.O.U.

  2. Renee, What a BEAUTIFUL blessing! How wonderful is it when we can use our gifts to glorify God! Your work is gorgeous!

  3. Oh Renee, how wonderful of a day you had! I'm certain all your art when to very loving homes and will bring the recipents much joy.

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