It was in the middle of an ordinary week (well, my ordinary
now…a lot of people would think my week is FAR from ordinary), on an ordinary
day that it hit me like a brick wall…just what an incredibly blessed life we

It was a Wednesday….I had treatment on Monday and was
feeling a little tired from it. I had set up my canvases at school that
morning, went to PT and was walking through a parking lot to meet Gina for
lunch when a friend’s husband was driving through the same parking lot – he stopped,
we talked – he was going to meet a friend and his brother for lunch…that is
when it hit me…what a blessed life this is…from so many different angles.

If you say that
God is good, great, blessed, wise or any such thing, the starting point
is this: God is.

I realize how easy it is to get trapped in up in your “woes”
but try this for today – try to get trapped up in your blessings.  Even if they ONLY thing you can say thank you
for is breathing – well, that is a HUGE thing to be able to be thankful for.

I started reading  and following 1,000 Gifts on twitter (I
know, crazy me a tweeter…hey, I do it for Embracing Life!!) but what the people
there post really get me thinking…it is the small things that make it all worth

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