Today we had a guest speaker at church and he was
great.  He was talking about “interesting
times” – how these are the times that God uses to grow us.  And we (as free-will individuals) have the
choice to make every day (especially in “interesting times”) if we are going to
be in the moment joyfully or pissed off (no, he didn’t use these words) because
either way, we are going to stay in the moment until it passes.

Proverbs 15:13

“A joyful heart makes a cheerful face; but when the heart is
sad, the spirit is broken”

I have had some anxiety lately – there have been a lot of
“interesting times” happening with some of my cancer friends – reoccurrences,
hospital stays and worse – of course all these lead me to play the “what if”
game….then my head is so wrapped up in the what if’s, it is hard for my heart
to get to the truth back out to me…I AM NED (NO evidence of disease)…end of
story…that is all I need to know for today, that is all I have is today –

So our speaker spoke on 4 steps to get us out of our heads
when it all comes crashing down and get us back to our heart – to where we can
hear God and listen.

Hope on a foundation of gratitude “Hope is the
dream of someone awake”

Hope is such a beautiful thing.
Hope can truly get you through SO much. 
Just the thought of it being a tiny bit better is hope and that thought
is enough to carry you through.

Faith. Trust and belief in something you don’t
see.  I don’t believe we don’t see God –
I believe we can choose to see Him in everything.  BUT I know it takes faith to believe in His
love for us, His hand reaching out you in the dark.

Joy – when your heart shows up on your face. Our
speaker was given 6 months to live – over a year ago.  He said it all with his JOY to be up there,
speaking, showing us – he said, we all only know we have today so we mice well
l dance (all while do a little dancing jog on stage!)

Love – love is all around us – all the time – it
is up to us to look for it, feel it, and return it, BUT it is always around us.

All of these are on a foundation of
gratitude.  Gratitude for what we have –
not longing for what we want.  Even in
the midst of dark, dark times – we have SO much to be thankful for.  When I was smack in the middle of chemo and I
honestly thought I couldn’t do one more treatment, I prayed and saw this vision
in my head…A BIG canyon…I was on one side and Eric and Ian were on the other.
God told me NOT to look down, look only ahead to them.  I did just as He said, and He held my hand
all the way across the canyon to them.  I
realized then that I am alive, I always have Him there to hold my hand, I have
an AWESOME family and friends, I have a talent that lets me speak my heart,
Eric is able to provide for us in an amazing way, etc, etc, etc, etc – the list
could seriously going on forever.  That
is when it hit me – I have to be thankful for what I have – not long for what I

I have to remember this everyday –
I know we each need to remember this every day. 
I know we all are going through our own times – some more interesting
than others, but there is something in your situation that you can be grateful
for – find it and hold on it.

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