It happened – I didn’t realize how hard it would be to deal
with – I didn’t realize how quick it can happen – I didn’t realize the hole that would be left in
my heart.

I guess when I started making friends with a bunch of cancer
chicks, I should have known it was inevitable….I should have known it would
really suck, I should have known it would rip my heart out into a million little
pieces, I should have known all the questions would instantly start playing in
my head – why her, why not me, what about her family – her husband, her two
little boys, why does my treatment work and not hers – the questions won’t

I met Kristi after I was diagnosed the second – I was at Costco
with Ian and my in-laws and someone comes up to me and asks me if I am Renee. I
am sure the look on my face was a little taken back, but then she quickly
explained she was a Pink Ribbon Cowgirl and well – I didn’t have any hair…I
guess put two and two together and you get an odd meeting in Costco. We
instantly hit it off. She was funny, friendly and kind – my kind of girl.

Then we got to know each other on a level not many people
will ever know each other on – over many rounds of chemo.  Yes it is true, us cancer chicks really get to
know one and other over chemo – we text each other to see if we are there at
same time, we wheel our bags of chemo around the infusion room to chat with
each other, we get to hug each other when we get a great scan, we are there for
each other when the scan isn’t what we hoped and prayed for…all of this in this
surreal room filled with disease and more love than one would imagine.

I was able to go see her in the hospital a few times – it was
great to see her with her other friends, to see her as her – not as a cancer

I didn’t get to say goodbye to her though. I was planning on
going to see her tomorrow after my treatment as I was out of town until tonight…

It sucks. Cancer sucks. It is a real slap in the face – it is
a real eye-opener…tomorrow is not a guarantee for anyone and it is

To my sweet friend Kristi – I am sorry I didn’t get to say
goodbye. I am sorry you had cancer. I am sorry it took you away from us way too
soon. I am sorry to your sweet husband and precious boys. I am sorry to your
family and friends who loved you so much. You will be missed and you are oh so
loved and so many.

1 Comment

  1. Renee you ROCK! You described Kristi just the way she was …. you sound like a very kind person as well and I hope you have a support group as good as she did.
    Here is to many more GOOD SCANS in the future! 🙂

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