While driving home from the funeral today, several things occurred
to me:

We are a bunch of 30 and 40 year old people there to
celebrate Kristi’s life – but the thing is – a bunch of 30 and 40 year olds
shouldn’t have to be at a funeral of another 40 year old.  It was a heart breaking experience.

Seeing her life in pictures, hearing the thoughts of her
loved ones makes me realize so much – the small things that we spend SO much
time and energy on…DO.NOT.MATTER.

In the end – the stress we put on ourselves to have a
perfect house, to have a perfect body, to have the perfect car – the standards
we set for ourselves – none of it matters. When it is all said and done, the
only thing that really matters is love – love for God, love for family, love
for friends, love for each other.

And to see Kristi in all those pictures with her family and
friends made me realize – our lives are one big series of stories that we should
strive to share with each other.  Our
lives are meant to be lived with family and friends.  Our lives are meant to be shared with each

I really want to look at the priorities I have had lately.  I want Eric to look at his. I want to
remember to live and deeply love every day. I want to remember the precious
gift God gives us to live with our loved ones and to cherish the time here and
to love as much as I can.


  1. Beautifully said! Praying that God surrounds you with comfort and strength.

  2. You're spot on, Renee! 30-40 year olds should not have to attend memorials of other 30-40 year olds. We know there are so many things in life that we cannot control but we can control the moments and memories we create with our loved ones. Her memorial was a beautiful as she was and she will never be forgotten.

    Sending you a big hug and I feel so fortunate to know you and have so many good memories with you!

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